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Har ni sett senaste nakenomslaget av tidningen Love? Det ges ut i åtta olika versioner, med åtta olika avklädda toppmodeller med lite väl valda delar täckta. So far so good. Tyvärr gav chefredaktören Katie Grand ett uttalande till Vogue om tanken bakom omslagen:
"For this issue of LOVE, we took eight women who are generally acknowledged as the most beautiful in the world, got them to show off their bodies - widely regarded as the most perfect in the world - and photographed them all in exactly the same position for the cover. We did this to show how much they differed physically from one another, which is why we also printed their measurements. The point is that 'perfection' is not fixed, timeless or transcendent, It varies, as the measurements of our cover girls show."